Romping, fun & storytelling

SpielScheune der Geschichten
Marie-Henning-Weg 1
21035 Hamburg Phone
040 – 32 84 83 58
Fax 040 – 32 84 83 59

How to find us

Find maps and travel infos here.

Booking and reservations

You’d like to make a reservation?

For booking the SpielScheune in advance please use our booking form.

You’d like to rent the Feierhaus?

All info and the booking form for our Familienfeierhaus can be found here.

Is there anything else we can do for you?

For general questions and information write to For special requests please write to:

Annette Kalkowski (Manager):

Marlene Schumann (Stories and Program):

Jutta Dittmar (School Coordinator):

Christine Steinert (Friends of the SpielScheune):

Andreas Kalkowski (Trägerverein):

The postal address of our Trägerverein “Verein für Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienförderung e.V.” is the same as above.

More contacts: have a look at our team page.

Stay tuned

More info, in German only: All latest information can be found on our start page, or follow us on facebook. We do not post much via our google profile, but your positive rating is most welcome! Upcoming dates and events can be found in our events calendar, which is also available as RSS newsfeed (you’ll need an app or software for reading newsfeeds – most browsers offer this feature out of the box). At longer intervals we publish a newsletter with latest news from the SpielScheune and a preview of upcoming events.